Arachnofobic??? No longer! I am Smitten with Smitty!

16 april 2017

Meet the Brachypelma Smithi, which I hereby named Smitty…
These are taken to schools or used for the first acquaintences with people that are frightened of spiders.  Male will reach 6 y.o. and female 30. Adult leg-span up to 12-15 cm (5-6 inches). Like all Tarantulas they do have venomnous bites, but those bites from a Smithi are not that harmfull at all.
Are they sensitive? Spiders in general, not just this cutie, "They sense everything" Noise, movements… "What do you think of just you releasing your breath in a spider's direction? They really sense everything"
Yes, they also sense your fear. The thing is, you should not hold a spider, or help some one to take away the spider when it is on some one's shoulder, when you have fear or do not know how to handle. Than they will definitely bite.

Smitty was a delight to hold in my hands! The bottom of the legs are soft like velvet. She releases such serenity when walking over you!
I sat on the ground, and we decided that I should say when our buddy should take the spider back from me. The thing is, Smitty's sudden jumps would startle me… But worst of all: Smitty would run off, and would be hard to catch!
Sitting ON THE FLOOR, NOT on a chair! Why, you wonder? Well, spiders excist mostly from .liquid. If it falls from that height, it would 'splash' and shatter when hitting the ground.